Waters Farms and Cattle

Family owned and operated since 1856

What's Your Beef?

Explore our menu of USDA beef, home-grown and locally sourced from Charolais and Angus crossed cattle. From individual cuts to whole cow sales, we supply it all! Also shop our fresh hand-cut cheeses from our neighbor dairy and farm merchandise. Select 'Shop' for in person ordering and 'Shipping' to see items available to ship. These purchase options are listed in the toolbar at the top of the page.

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Locally Sourced, Home-Grown

By visiting us and shopping with your local farmer, you support a family working hard to support their community and preserve a generational legacy. Waters‘ beef isn’t just about dinner, it’s a reflection of our work, our family, and our commitment to the farming way of life through five generations. Our beef is both home-grown and sourced from local neighbors within a 60 mile radius of our farm. Our cattle are antibiotic free and enjoy lifetime grazing on our 400 acres of pasture. Still with access to pasture, they are finished on grain for high quality marbling to deliver fresh, clean beef to our customers! Its beef finished the Florida way. 

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Buying Bulk

Check out our "Shop" at the top of the page to see options for bulk purchases.

Contact us


Hawthorne, FL
